Well, I knew I would be bad at keeping this updated and here it is over a month since I have posted anything. Sorry, but I have not had an new pics until last weekend and I guess I did not have much to say. I had plan to put pictures up today but Kelly has them on her camera and the CD she gave me with them on it does not work. So...I am here to just update you for the time being on how things have been going.
Overall, I really can't complain. I am still SUPER tired! I would say that is the most frustrating part to me because I feel like I'm not get anything done around my house. By the time I get home from work I am so beat that all I want to do is SLEEP! : ) My nausea has gotten better in the last month, although I still have my days that are rough. Heart burn has been pretty bad, I have never had it before I got pregnant and MAN do I feel bad for those that get it regularly.
We did get to hear the heart beat on Friday. WOW, that was the coolest thing EVER! Brady and I agreed it was the coolest 2 minutes of out life. It made it MUCH more real to me, and I think for him too. It really reminds you, YES there is a baby in there.
Well, I hope to have picture up within the next few days, once I figure out how to get pictures from Kelly's camera to my computer. The belly pictures were taken at girls weekend on Aug. 9th, so I was just about 13 weeks then. I am just about 14 weeks today so hopefully I can get them posted before I am taking new belly pics. :)